Friday, January 23, 2009

Read all about it!

This is a request for those of you who have been victimised by Robin Larkins and The Real World Rental Company to come forward and provide details of your story to the British newspaper The Mirror. Specifically, can you write directly to this address: .

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Who did you rent through?

I was surprised to learn from one of my commentators that whereas I had thought Holiday-Rentals had no liability for those of us who rented through them, he suggested otherwise:

dfwm said...
I am sorry to hear it, (but not surprised) [that you have been ripped off]. I have heard nothing from Holiday-Rentals since they advised they were "looking into [my] concerns" on 18 December, and they still appear to be advertising RWRC and Larkins' properties, so again, one really has to question their motives and involvement. It is after all based on their reputation that many of us have rented properties from Larkins. But as they have no responsibility, and no liability, they have no interest in whether customers are ripped off either. Best to avoid them too in my opinion. If you wish to contact me directly, please feel free to do so, and I can give you more details about my endeavours, which may assist you in yours.
January 20, 2009 10:35 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm actually not convinced that Holidays Rentals have no liability or responsibility. If they are well aware of alleged fraud of Robin Larkins and potential loss to their client, then they must have a fiduciary duty (that exists in any agent / principal relationship) to disclose that information. Furthermore, I also wouldn't rule out the implications under the Fraud Act of 2006 - Section 3 (Failure to Disclose Information). Officers of the company are tied to the offence under Section 12 (Liability of Company Officers for Offences of Company). Maximum penalty - 10 years in jail. In practice, I suspect the fraud squad would think their time is probably best spent investigating Mr Larkins directly, but Section 12 will at least give his cohorts something to think about presumably.
January 21, 2009 11:21 AM

dfwm said...
That's very interesting re Holiday-Rentals. I chased them again on 20 Jan (Sandy Kirk), but he has not responded.....